6 Home Remedies for Cellulite - Treatment and Prevention
The science behind the term ‘cellulite’ says that it’s simply a word used to describe pockets of fat, fluid and toxins which are trapped and cause dimpling in the skin. Society, on the other hand, has deemed ‘cellulite’ somewhat of an issue. It's important to remember that 90% of post-adolescent women develop cellulite, making it quite… normal.

Cellulite isn’t a disease or a condition - it is simply the way that the connective tissue below the surface of the skin interacts with the layer of fat tissue directly below it. In women, this fat layer and connective tissue is arranged vertically, which increases the chances of the fat layer protruding, resulting in what we have come to know as 'cellulite'. Men are less likely to experience cellulite as their connective tissue tends to have a criss-cross structure. As a result, the fat cells have nowhere to visibly protrude – hence, no bumpy appearance.
We can blame the following factors for contributing to the appearance of cellulite:
Hormonal profile – for instance, a decrease in estrogen which in turn affects the blood flow to connective tissue, making dimpling more prominent.
Lifestyle factors – an example being that overweight individuals and smokers are more prone to poor skin health and a more prominent appearance of cellulite.
- Gender – as discussed above.
Cellulite is largely determined by your diet, level of activity and genetics. This means that some of these things are in your realm of control and will also help to improve your overall health and wellbeing, while some of them are not in your control. We’ve collated a list of our best techniques to help you approach any concerns of cellulite.
#1 Drink Lots of Water
Increasing your water intake will help to flush your body of toxins and aid in weight loss, making it one of the easiest cellulite remedies. Water can also improve the strength of collagen and connective tissue in your skin, making it much firmer. Getting more water in also naturally improves blood flow and reduces fluid retention, helping to support your body’s natural detoxification.
#2 Change Your Diet
Changing your diet can help you achieve radiant skin, reduce the visibility of cellulite and contribute to your overall wellness. Try the following tips to help improve your skin health and reduce cellulite:
Avoid processed simple carbs and sugars that spike blood sugar and promote weight gain, inflammation and reduced skin elasticity. These three factors can all contribute to the appearance of cellulite.
Reduce your salt intake. Salt contains sodium which causes fluid retention, one of the causes of cellulite.
Add more lean proteins at each meal to help strengthen the skin’s connective tissue.
Including healthy fats in your diet will aid in hormone production. Around 20% of your diet should include healthy fats to balance the hormones in your body.
Include Vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the skin’s connective tissue.
Eat more alkaline and water-rich fruits and vegetables. This will help to prevent cell damage as they are high in antioxidants.
Eat more omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat which boosts circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Try to reduce your caffeine intake, as caffeine has been shown to have effects on blood flow and getting oxygen and nutrients to skin tissue.
- Avoiding smoking and alcohol as they create toxins in the body and impact general health.
#3 Try Weight Training and Exercise
Weight training can remodel the connective tissue where cellulite is trapped to smooth its appearance. The muscle mass gained from weight training tightens these connective tissues to decrease that dimpled look in the skin. Your metabolic rate is also increased, resulting in a faster metabolism. This burns more calories which results in weight loss. While exercise is one of the most common weight loss tips likely to be given, its benefits in helping reduce cellulite should not be ignored. A higher percentage of overall body fat increases the likelihood of cellulite, which means that weight loss can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cardiovascular training can also aid in weight loss.
#4 Add Dry Brushing to Your Skincare Routine
Dry brushing is a technique used to increase circulation by stimulating the lymph nodes and causing a direct and immediate blood flow to the area brushed. It also aids in general skin improvement by providing gentle exfoliation and cell renewal. Use a natural bristle brush to massage the affected areas three times a week for five minutes just before taking a shower for best results.
#5 Use The Secret's Cellulite Cream
It’s our skin saviour for the body and the Secret to showing off some serious skin with absolute confidence. The Secret Cellulite Cream employs a combination of exfoliants to remove rough, dry skin cells from the surface, while antioxidant and vasoconstrictor ingredients such as caffeine reduce the swelling of blood vessels for a tightening effect on the skin. The blood vessels beneath the skin are constricted, which pushes blood back into the main circulatory system and assists the removal of fluids and stimulation of the lymphatic drainage system. Caffeine is also believed to break down accumulations of fat cells (adipocytes) when applied topically.
As the promotion of blood circulation is crucial in the reduction of cellulite, The Secret's Cellulite Cream is able to significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite and dimpling for smoother and more luminous skin texture. In addition to this, the skin on the body is moisturised, firmer to the touch and more resilient against aging free-radical damage.

#6 Be Kind to Yourself
Almost everyone has experienced cellulite to some degree – like we said, it is quite normal.
It is a normal anatomical feature. The severity of which is determined by a combination of factors such as age, hormones, genetics and gender. You can employ the above techniques to help reduce cellulite in appearance, but it is important to remember to be kind to yourself by giving yourself (and your cellulite) a bit of a break. After all, some of these factors are out of your control. Learning to accept that this is the way your body and your skin functions on a biological level is important, especially because the idea of cellulite being an “issue” is a social construct. However, at The Secret, we understand how this view of cellulite being “unattractive” in society can impact a person’s confidence, so coupling the above techniques with a little bit of self-love, understanding and acceptance is our approach to targeting your cellulite concerns.